Base Camps

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The Base Camps (also Fast Travel Camps)[1] are a new feature in the TOMB RAIDER. These camps allow Lara to rest during her adventure, to upgrade her skills and tools, to fast-travel (see Fast Travel) to other base camp locations, and as starting point for Challenges and other side missions.

There are numerous Base Camps on the mysterious island of Yamatai.

Campsites can be found all over the island and provide a number of uses to Lara during her travels. There are two kinds of campsites, Day Camps and Fast Travel Camps. Day Camps are signified by a campfire icon on the map while Fast Travel Camps are represented by a tent icon. Lara can use her Skill Points to purchase new Survival Skills as well as spend Salvage on upgrades to her Gear at both Day Camps and Fast Travel Camps. Fast Travel camps also allow Lara to quickly move between previously visited campsites allowing you to re-explore and collect new things in regions that have already been discovered.
TOMB RAIDER Instructions Booklet[2]

List of Base Camps


Features at Base Camps

Locations Without a Base Camp

There are no base camps at the following locations since they are either to small or no longer accessible after Lara went there for the first time. Some of these may have Day Camps that act as a place where Lara can upgrade her weaponry and tools, but can not fast travel from or to.


Karl Stewart promised close to a hundred Base Camps in on of his interviews: [3] The final number of Base Camps accessible by fast travel are 16; additionally there are 22 (???) Day Camps, bringing the total number of camps to 38 (???).

See Also

Similar to Base Camps, but without the possibility to Fast Travel


  1. TOMB RAIDER Instructions Booklet via Steam, PC version. Retrieved on Jan 1st 2015.
  2. TOMB RAIDER Instructions Booklet via Steam, PC version, page 4. Retrieved on Jan 1st 2015.
  3. Around 11:20