The Prisoner's Dilemma

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The Prisoner's Dilemma is a set of Documents in Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch (additional content for Rise of the Tomb Raider).

A series of entries from Serafima's journal. She was arrested and sent to the Gulag, and before she could make her escape, she was sent to the Wicked Vale to develop a counteragent to the poisonous pollen that affected the soviet soldiers...

Documents of The Prisoner's Dilemma Set

There are five documents in this set:

The journal of Serafima, a Russian political prisoner from the gulag...
Serafima's fate was bound up with Ivan's from the moment they met...
They took everything from Serafima...
Research notes from a familiar Soviet prisoner, tasked with discovering a cure for the hallucinations.
Serafima learns of Ivan and her daughter's death, and makes a fateful decision.