Sergeant Steel, Veteran

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Sergeant Steel, Veteran
CCG B136 SergeantSteelVeteran.jpg
Card Information
Card Set

Big Guns





Card Statistics
Card Type

Character Upgrade

Upgrade Power


Sergeant Steel, Veteran is a rare card from the Big Guns set of the Collectible Card Game.

Card Effect

Play when you have removed 3 or more obstacles.
Upgrade Sergeant Steel only.
Search ability +1. After exploring a location you may immediately predict (aloud) the name of an obstacles card that could be played at that location. If that obstacle is played it is immediately discarded.

Flavor Text

I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts there's a 'raptor around that corner.

Big Guns
<<< Lara Croft, Champion Sergeant Steel, Veteran Gemini, Thrill Seeker >>>