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The Last Revelation
Section Valley of Kings
Level No 6
Secrets 4
Location Egypt, King's Valley
Level Chronology:
Valley of the Kings KV5 Temple Of Karnak

KV5 is the sixth level in The Last Revelation and will conclude the King's Valley section.

The Jeep chase from the Valley of the Kings level continues. KVS is in reality the location of the Tomb of the sons of Rameses the Second. It has been quoted as the 'Second Most Important Discovery' in the Valley of the Kings since the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter.

The level is relatively simple, as Lara merely has to pursue the Enemy Jeep through the ruins and the desert. There are few traps apart from some pitfalls and some large spiked balls. Lara only has to leave the jeep once to open a big gate and four more times to collect Secrets 22 - 25.
