Willard Mutant

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Willard after evolution

The Willard Mutant is born, when Dr Willard threw himself into the meteorite crater.

Willard assembles the artefacts at the cavern and raises the meteorite from its resting place. He evolves at a tremendous rate into a 4-legged beast with spikes for hands, and a twisted torso. He tries to prevent Lara from removing the artefacts but fails. The artefacts kept him invincible and their removal made him vunerable to gunfire. He died at the feet of Lara.


Willard's twisted evolved form is the last boss of Tomb Raider III. When the meteorite artefacts are in their respective places within the meteorite cavern, he is invincible, although too much gunfire will make him unconscious for a short while. While conscious, he can manipulate the power of the meteorite and fire pulsating energy balls, from his spkied-hands which seem to be the antennas for concentrating the energy. He also is quite agile in the air, being able to perform a quick 180 degree jump on the spot.

-There is also a section named Willard-Spider (THE SAME THING)-